
Global Research Institute for Arts and Culture Education

Research in Dance and Physical Education(RDPE)는

상명대학교 글로벌문화예술교육연구소(G-ACE)에서 연3회 발간하는 학술지로 현재 6개국의 EDITORIAL BOARD가 참여하고 있습니다.본 학술지는 무용과 신체활동에서 철학, 교육학, 운동과학의 토론과 비판적 연구들을 포함하고 있습니다. 무용과 신체활동의 폭넓은 연구들을 단지 교육학적 관점에만 기초하지 않고 이론적이고 개념적인 관점을 넓혀 인문사회와 자연과학의 다양한 학문적 접근과 발견, 융합적 성과를 도모하고자 합니다.

RDPE has founded in 2017 by Sangmyung University's Global Research Institute for Arts & Culture Education(G-ACE) and publishes three times a year. The journal includes various Editorial Boards from six countries. This journal aims at the research results of collective intelligence on strategic and professional physical activities to cultivate various competencies as well as physical activities for health promotion. We would like to expand our theoretical and conceptual perspectives, including discussions and critical studies of philosophy, pedagogy, and athletic science in dance and physical activity, to promote various academic approaches, discoveries, and convergence results of humanities and natural sciences.

Research in Dance and Physical Education

RDPE Scope

  • Submission deadline: February 28, June 30, October 31
  • Publication : April 30, August 31, December 31
  • Email address :
  • Journal Website :
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